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Entrata in vigore della Nona Edizione della Classificazione Internazionale di Beni e Servizi di cui all'Accordo di Nizza


Con news dell'11 marzo 2007 l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà intellettuale ha reso nota l'entrata in vigore della nona edizione della classificazione internazionale di beni e servizi di cui all'Accordo di Nizza del 15 giugno 1957.

La comunicazione dell'OMPI precisa inoltre che le modifiche di cui alla nuova classificazione varranno per le domande di registrazione per marchio internazionale depositate a partire dall'1 gennaio 2007 mentre non verranno riclassificate le domande, presentate prima dell'entrata in vigore della nona edizione, soggette a rinnovo o a qualsiasi altra modifica dopo l'1 gennaio 2007.
L'ufficio infine provvederà, per le nuove domande, ad apporre l'indicazione "NCL (9)" accanto alla lista di beni e servizi rivendicati nella domanda di registrazione.

Si riporta di seguito il testo della news, così come pubblicata sul sito dell'OMPI/WIPO.

Information Notice No. 8/2007


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Entry into force of the Ninth Edition of the Nice Classification

1. A new edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) entered into force on January 1, 2007. It is available on WIPO’s website, at the following address:

2. This ninth edition includes a number of changes with regard to the previous edition. The purpose of the present note is to inform the Offices of the Contracting Parties of the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, as well as applicants and their agents, of the practice which is followed by the International Bureau for the examination of applications for international registration that are presented to it during the transition to the ninth edition of the Nice Classification.

3. The International Bureau applies the ninth edition of the Nice Classification to all international applications that are received or deemed to have been received, according to Rule 11(1) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, by the Office of origin on or after January 1, 2007.

4. In conformity with its previous practice, the International Bureau does not reclassify, in accordance with the ninth edition of the Nice Classification, the list of goods and services of an international registration that is the subject, after December 31, 2006, of a renewal, subsequent designation or any other change affecting the list of goods and services.

5. Moreover, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee of Experts of the Nice Union, made at its eighteenth session in October 2000, and for all international registrations for which the list of goods and services has been classified in accordance with the ninth edition of the Nice Classification, the International Bureau inserts the abbreviation “NCL(9)” next to the list of goods and services in the notifications sent to designated Contracting Parties, registration certificates and publications.

March 11, 2007


Traduzione in italiano della Nona Classificazione di Nizza in vigore dall'1 gennaio 2007



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